P.S. If you have not experienced Mean Tweets, youtube it immediately. Quite funny.
2/19/14: Sometimes when I'm driving, which is all the time, I pretend I'm a famous singer in a recording studio and I put one hand over my right ear, you know to help with tone and resonance, and then I belt out something that rocks my producer's world and he just stares at me from behind the glass with an expression like, "We're going to be rich!"
2/18/14: Sometimes, ok, most times, when I'm walking out of the supermarket, I pretend I'm famous and paparazzi is taking my picture without me knowing so they can feature me in UsWeekly's, "Stars--they're just like Us."
"They go grocery shopping! Dorothy Forbes keeps it casual and stocks up on microbrews while grocery shopping in Taos, NM."